01 Name and Address of the Organization
(b) Address of Head Office : 33/107, Justice Murshed Road,Gorosthanpara,Kushtia.
(c) Address of Liaison Office : 33/107, Justice Murshed Road,Gorosthanpara,Kushtia.
(d) Address of District/Local Office : 33/107, Justice Murshed Road,Gorosthanpara,Kushtia.
02 Contact Information
(a) Name, Mobile No. & E-mail of ED/CEO : Rafiqul Islam,
Cell: 01716-710963,
(b) Name, Mobile No. & E-mail of Contact Person : Rafiqul Islam,
Cell: 01716-710963,
(c) Website :
03 Date of Establishment : 23-06-1986
04 Registration (Legal Status)
(a) SWD : Kush/16, Dated 23/06/1986.
(b) NGO AB : 1661,10/09/2001,
(c) :
(d) :
05 Background of Organization : PPUSS is a local non-profitable Voluntary Development Organization. It is a human right based organization.
06 Vision :

PPUSS’s vision is fulfillment of basic human fundamental needs and rights of poor in this plenty resourceful world.

07 Mission : PPUSS is committed to enhance the process of social change, development and establish human right by making available human resources, skills, knowledge, involving local poor people specially women and children in development process.
08 Goal : The main goal of the PPUSS is to empower landless, destitute, poor men, women and children, so that they can take active participation in development process for poverty alleviation and establish human rights.
09 Objectives : * To organize the target peoples into groups to develop unity, cohesion, solidarity among them and thus develop a collective strength and institutional bases so that they can ensure their individual and collective development.
* To help them development their consciousness and awareness about their position in the social system, so that they can take active part in development process.
* To help them develop their self-image, self-confidences, creativity and thus make them fit for their desired changes.
* To make literate the group members and other male and female and children of the program area.
* To make people aware and stop trafficking women and children.
* To make them critically aware about their problem and make plan jointly in any situation.
* To make them conscious about preventive public, mother and child health care rather than curative measure.
* To provide human rights training on social change, human right, fundamental rights,literacy, legal rights, gender and development, livestock, poultry, fisheries, sericulture and agriculture and small trade to group members to improve their skills and knowledge for initiating establishing human right and income-generating activities towards improve their economic and cultural condition.
* To provide other supports and services in the process of their socio-economic conditions.
* To respond to the need of the distressed peoples caused by natural calamities.
* Mainstreaming the person with disability in the society for their positive change.
10 Target people : Poor and marginal men ,women, Adolescent girls and children.
11 Major activities : 1.Group formation and consciousness raising.
2.Out of School Children Education Program (PEDP-4).
3.Adult Literacy.
4.Environmental Protection.
5.Women Empowerment.
6.Legal Literacy.
7.VGD Program.
12 Working Area (Name of Upazila & District) : District : Kushtia, Upazila: Daulatpur, Mirpur and Kushtia Sadar.
13 List of Executive Committee : 1.Chairman : Dilruba Begum
2.Vice-Chairman Dr. Mofazzel Haque.
3. G. Secretary: Rafiqul Islam. Treasurer.
4. Nil Ratan Kundu.
5. Member: Nargis Parvin,
6. Member: Bikash Islam,
7. Member: Md Nazrul Islam.
14 Photo Gallery :
15 Others :