BURO Bangladesh
01 Name and Address of the Organization
(a) Name of Organization : BURO Bangladesh
(b) Address of Head Office : House:12/A, Road:104, Block:CEN(F), Gulshan-2, Dhaka-1212, Banngladesh
(c) Address of Liaison Office :
(d) Address of District/Local Office : BURO Bangladesh,
Kushtia Zone, 1/3 Karim Box Lane,
West Mojompur, Kushtia
02 Contact Information
(a) Name, Mobile No. & E-mail of AD : Md. Arshad Alam,
Mobile: 01733220880,
Email: administration@burobd.org
(b) Name, Mobile No. & E-mail of Contact Person : Kh. Mahbubur Rahman,
Zonal Manager,
Mobile: 01727099477,
Email: z_kushtia@burbd.org
(c) Website : https://www.burobd.org
03 Date of Establishment : 1990
04 Registration (Legal Status)
(a) Registration of Joint Stock Company & Firm : R/N-S-7026(214)/07, Date : 06/09/2007
(b) Registration of NGO Affairs Bureau : R/N-610, Date:19/03/1992
(c) MRA : S/N-00004-00394-00288, Date : 25/06/2008
(d) e-TIN No : 4243 74711 931
05 Background of Organization : BURO Bangladesh was formed in 1990 as anew entrant in the then microfinance industry with the resolute vision to work towards poverty alleviation and transforming lives of the marginalized people. Our resounding and rewarding journey continue today with more than three decades of experience and has touched and changed counties lives through growth and prosperity. We remain ever curious and committed to widen the plethora of offerings in our financial products and services steered to help promoting the people and the economy of Bangladesh.
06 Vision : A happy and prosperous self-reliant society through the overall development of the people of Bangladesh.
07 Mission : An independent sustainable, cost-effective microfinance institution that business development services at competitive prices along with other social development programs to very poor, poor and vulnerable non-poor customers.
08 Goal :
09 Objectives :
10 Target people : Very Poor, Moderate Poor, Micro Entrepreneurs and small and Marginal Farmers, Professionals of Insufficient Income
11 Major activities : Adolescent Program,
ACCESS Project,
LRM Project,
12 Working Area (Name of Upazila & District) : Kushtia Distric.
1. Kushtia Sadar, Kushtia
2. Kumarkali, Kushtia
3. Khoksha, Kushtia
4. Mirpur, Kushtia
5. Dowlatpur, Kushtia
6. Veramara, Kushtia

Jhinaidah Distric
1. Jhinaidah Sadar
2. Shailokupa
3. Horinakundo

Chuadanga Distric
1. Chuadanga
2. Alamdanga

Meherpur Distric
1. Meherpur Sadar
2. Gagni
3. Mujibnagar
13 List of Executive Committee : 1. Dr. M A Yousuf Khan - Chairperson
2. Dr. Sayeeda Khan - Vice Chairperson, Gynecolohist and Breast Cancer Specialist
3. Md. Rafiqul Isalm - Finance secretary
4. Dr. Md. Nurul Amin Khan - Member
5. Mahbuba Hasanat - Member
6. Abdul Latif Khan - Member
7. Kazi Mohammad Shoaib - Member
8. Zakir Hossain - Ex-Officio Secretary, Founder, Executive Director
14 Photo Gallery :
15 Others : For more details; Please visit our website : www.burobd.org