ALO Shechcha Shebi Polly Unnayan Sangstha
01 Name and Address of the Organization
(a) Name of Organization : ALO Shechcha Shebi Polly Unnayan Sangstha
(b) Address of Head Office : Mirpur, Kushtia- 7030
(c) Address of Liaison Office :
(d) Address of District/Local Office :
02 Contact Information
(a) Name, Mobile No. & E-mail of ED/CEO : Feroz Ahammed
Executive Director
Phone: 01711284646
(b) Name, Mobile No. & E-mail of Contact Person : Feroz Ahammed
Executive Director
Phone: 01711284646
(c) Website :
03 Date of Establishment : 4 December 1997
04 Registration (Legal Status)
(a) Department of Social Service : Kushtia-227/1997
(b) Department of Youth Development : Kushtia-126/2000
(c) :
(d) :
05 Background of Organization : ALO was started by some enthusiastic, committed and dedicated young men and women of Kushtia District in serve the poor and distressed people, women and children in particular. The organization since its inception has been working for building institutions of the poor with special emphasis on youth. ALO is managed by an Executive Committee of 09 (nine) members drawn from the General Committee of 29 (Twenty nine) members.
06 Vision :

A non-discriminatory and peaceful society where everyone can enjoy their full rights

07 Mission : The mission of ALO is to ensure reciprocal Co-operation development unity and solidarity among the stakeholders of the organization.
08 Goal : The main purpose of the organization is to provide needful services to the target people in the operational area for improving their Socio-economic condition besides target group approach, ALO also will have to undertake community development programmers in its commanding area too.
09 Objectives : To build the institutions poor, disadvantaged people for sustainable development.
1. To capacitate the organized people through participatory training, workshop seminar, meeting, conference in order to establish their rights and develop their program implementation skill.
2. To operate adult mass literacy and non-formal primary education program for the illiterate women, adolescent and children.
3. To create employment opportunities in the rural area by providing small credit and marketable skill.
4. To make the women capable of involving them in national development process alongside men.
5. To integrate the peoples with Disability (PWDs) in development process establishing their rights and opportunities in the community.
10 Target people : Women, children and youth.
11 Major activities : 1. Capacity development of youth.
2. Climate and environmental action.
3. Women and gender equity.
4. Land rights.
5. Development of indigenous and ethnic minorities.
6. Safe migration and anti-trafficking.
12 Working Area (Name of Upazila & District) : All upazilas of Kushtia district.
13 List of Executive Committee : 1. Md. Anowar Hossain, Chairman
2. Mohammad Sultan Mahmud, Vice-Chairman
3. Feroz Ahammed, General Secretary
4. Md. Mohsin Ali, Assistant General Secretary
5. Ziaur Rahman, Treasurer
6. Md. Abdus Selim, Secretary of Social Welfare
7. Md. Mizanur Rahman, Secretary of Art, Culture & Sports
8. Al-Masura, Executive Member
9. Mst. Jabun Nasa, Executive Member
14 Photo Gallery :
15 Others :