Shiropa Development Society
01 Name and Address of the Organization
(a) Name of Organization : Shiropa Development Society
(b) Address of Head Office : House#27, Baitul Jannat Zame Moshjid Road (In front of Police Line), West Mojompur, Kushtia.
(c) Address of Liaison Office :
(d) Address of District/Local Office :
02 Contact Information
(a) Name, Mobile No. & E-mail of ED/CEO : Md. Shohidul Islam
Executive Director
(b) Name, Mobile No. & E-mail of Contact Person :
(c) Website :
03 Date of Establishment : 2005
04 Registration (Legal Status)
(a) Registration # with Authority : 1. Certificate of Registration of Societies (Act XXI of 1860) with the Joint Stock Companies & Firms Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Registration No : S4397(499)/05, Date : 19 January 2005.
2. Registered with Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh under Department of Social Welfare (Registration and Control) ordinance 1961 (No 46 of 4(3)) under the Registration No : Kush-991/2018, Date : 13 May 2018.
3. Under the provision of the Foreign Donations (Voluntary Activities Regulation Act, 2016 with the NGO AFFAIRS BUREAU Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Registration No: 3192, Date 03 March 2019.
4. License from Microcredit Regulatory Authority, 8 No Shahid Shangbadik Selina Parvin Road, Gulfesha Plaza (7th Floor), Boro Mogbazar, Romona, Dhaka-1217, 1413/16th July 2006, License No: 02516-01291-00468, Date: 17 January 2010.
5. Certificate of Tax National Board of Revenue with Taxes Zone, Khulna : Tax Payers Identification Number (Tin) – 89177136566/Circle-2(coy.), Taxes Zone-Khulna.
(b) :
(c) :
(d) :
05 Background of Organization :
06 Vision :

To build a progressive, well-built and self-governing society, where the people live free from hunger, poverty, environmental degradation and social exclusion.

07 Mission : To help people become self-reliant and eventually gain the skills needed to accommodate into the mainstream social and financial standard. This endeavor is governed by principles of sustainability, efficiency; ensure financial and social discipline, operating in both rural and urban settings through implementation of different development initiatives which are socially accepted, economically viable and environmentally favorable.
08 Goal : The Goal of SHIROPA DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY is to contribute in improving the livelihood of the vulnerable communities of Bangladesh through community mobilization, capacity building, advocacy and strengthening of institution at the grass root level.
09 Objectives :
10 Target people :
11 Major activities : 01. Human Rights
02. Family Planning
03. Gender equality
04. Technical Training
05. Youth Empowerment
06. Recreational Program
07. Women Empowerment
08. Disability Rehabilitation
09. Child Protection & Welfare
10. Environmental Development
11. Developing science education
12. Abandonment of drug addicts
13. Slum and village development
14. Human Resource Enhancement
15. Rights and Good Governance Programs
16. To adopt sustainable development programs
17. Prevention of trafficking in women and children
18. Anti-narcotics awareness, publicity and prevention
19. Welfare programs for the distress people and beggars
20. Rehabilitation of imprisoned prisoners and juvenile offenders
21. Increase in agricultural production and formation of the neighborhood
22. Participation in the implementation of poverty alleviation strategies and plans
23. Microfinance (Savings Generation, Rural Micro Credit, Urban Micro Credit, Micro Enterprise, Ultra Poor, Seasonal Loan, Agriculture Sectoral Microcredit, Aquaculture Development Program, Livestock Program)
12 Working Area (Name of Upazila & District) : District : Kushtia,
Chuadanga &
Upazila :
01. Kushtia Sadar
02. Kumarkhali
03. Bheramara
04. Daulatpur
05. Mirpur
06. Meherpur Sadar
07. Gangni
08. Alamdanga
09. Kuliarchar
10. Bhairab
13 List of Executive Committee : 1. Md. Abdus Salam - Chairman
Vice Principle
Vill: Mosoura, Post: Khash Mothurapur, P.S: Daulatpur, Dist: Kushtia
2. Md. Md. Jahangir Alam - Vice-Chairman
Retired NGO Officer
Vill: Ramkrisnapur, Post: Khemir Diar, P.S: Bheramara, Dist: Kushtia
3. Sayed Ahmed - Treasurer
Vill: Madhabpur, Post: Bahadurpur, P.S: Bheramara, Dist: kushtia
4. Mst. Khodeza Tut Tohura - Member
6/5, PC Lahiri Lane, Courtpara, Kushtia
5. Md. Shahirur Rahman - Member
Vill + Post : Daulatkhali, P.S: Daulatpur, Dist: Kushtia
6. Mst Asma Khatun - Member
Vill: Amla, Post: Amla Sadarpur, P.S: Mirpur, Dist: Kushtia
7. Md. Shohidul Islam - Member Secretary
Executive Director
Vill + Post: Khash Mothurapur, P.S: Daulatpur, Dist: Kushtia
14 Photo Gallery :
15 Others :